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Style-Side Chat

A bespoke session that is driven entirely by you. Want to update your shoe collection for this season but don’t know where to start? Having trouble finding the right fit of jeans?

Do you own lots of scarves but don’t know how to wear them? Or do you simply want to talk to an expert about your style dilemmas?

Jump on a zoom with me and we can work it all out with my Style-Side chat.


Minimum one hour.

Time Time 1 hour +
Location Online only

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Body Mapping

Anna Murphy, fashion editor of The Times, described my body mapping service as ‘the most transformative fashion related investment you will (ever) make’ and Lisa Armstrong, fashion editor of The Telegraph, said ‘what sets Anna apart from other personal stylists…is her broad picture overview combined with forensic observations..’

The body map is an ideal starting point for any successful re-style. I have helped hundreds of women, of all ages, understand and accept their body shape -the key to dressing well.

Body mapping is a simple, practical and wholly positive approach. Before our appointment I will email you a range of styling questions and, if we are doing an online session, I will additionally request a few key measurements and a set of specific posed photos in tight gym kit for me to review. I will study your photos and measurements and when we talk, I will explain all about your shape and unique proportions. You will receive an extensive set of notes and see visual examples detailing the most flattering options for you across each clothing category – coats, jackets skirts etc.


We will also examine face shape and discuss jewellery and hair styles optimal for you. The body map session is fun and surprising. You will discover what really suits you and, crucially, learn why it suits you. After the mapping session you will be armed with all the knowledge you need to dress well for the body you have. The map will save you time, effort and money. When you know which clothes to shop for you can focus more easily, hone in on what’s right for you and enjoy shopping again!

Time 2.5 hours
Location: Stylist’s London studio or online (Contact for more details of online service)


Body Map Deep Dive 

If you have used the Think Shape app then you will have learnt about your dominant body shape, body sections and personal  recommendations. For those that have done this, Anna offers a Body Map Deep Dive. The body map is essential for any successful re-style. Anna has helped hundreds of women, of all ages, understand and accept their body shape -the key to dressing well.


The Body Map Deep Dive helps consolidate the learning from the app and put it into practice. Before your appointment Anna will email you a range of styling questions and when you meet, she will explain more about your shape and unique proportions. You will receive an extensive set of notes and see many visual examples detailing the most flattering options for you across each clothing category – coats, jackets skirts etc. 


Anna will ask you to bring along a decent selection of clothing from all categories - Coats, Jackets, Tops, Knits, Shirts/Blouses, Trousers, Skirts and Dresses and Shoes/Accessories if you wish, in order that Anna can talk through your shape in more detail. You look at the body sections in turn, discussing any particular issues you face and what style you like. This is the perfect follow on from using the app.... 


You will also examine face shape and discuss jewellery and hair styles optimal for you. The body map session is interactive, fun and surprising. You will discover more about what really suits you and, crucially, learn why it suits you. After the mapping session you will be armed with more knowledge on how to dress well for the body you have.


The Body Map Deep Dive will save you time, effort and money. When you know which clothes to shop for you can focus more easily, hone in on what’s right for you and enjoy shopping again!

Time: 2 hours 

Cost: £365

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Colour Analysis

Choosing and wearing the right colours can have a real impact on the way you see yourself and the way others view you. I use a tonal analysis system as it is less restrictive than the seasonal one. The right colours make you look younger, slimmer and healthier.  In the session I will examine skin tone, contrasts and your overall colour picture.


Afterwards, you will receive a bespoke set of colour swatches to take out with you when you’re shopping.

Time 1.5 – 2 hours
Location: Stylist’s London studio


Wardrobe Management

Fed up of staring at a packed wardrobe and not finding anything to wear? Forever reaching for the same rotation of clothes and feeling bored and stuck with your look? Come and do my wardrobe management session! During this session we will review your entire wardrobe. I will help you clear out unwanted or unused clothing and accessories, create a sense of space and order and revitalise your look. A detox for your closet is a detox for your mind.

I ask all clients to prepare the groundwork. Firstly, decide which season you wish to work on. Usually I work on spring/summer March through August and autumn/winter from September through February. Before we talk, I will send you a styling questionnaire and a list of specific sections to sort your wardrobe into e.g. Not worn in two years…I do this so that you have time to start to think through your choices, to look at and consider each piece alone before we discuss them together. You will need to set aside a chunk of time to prepare and get everything out and sorted into the sections before the appointment.  This has proven highly successful in getting the most out of the session. We can hit the ground running and review each section in turn. I can focus on looking at outfits on the body, considering your lifestyle needs, discussing practical requirements and helping you see what works best for your shape. We will decide what to keep and what is moving on. All suggestions will be talked through and we will discuss whether to alter, sell, donate or recycle the pieces we remove.  I try to make this appointment as sustainable as possible. At the end you will have a skeleton of your perfect new wardrobe. I will identify gaps as we go through and make notes.

The wardrobe management session is a three-hour appointment at client’s home, my studio or online.

Please note, this session only covers one season 

Time 3 hours
Location: Client’s home, stylist’s London studio or online


Outfit Building (using your own wardrobe)

A brilliant and sustainable way to rejuvenate and rediscover your style using your own clothes. My industry background and honed fashion eye makes me uniquely qualified to help you put together the best looks whilst explaining fabric, costs and design too. We’ll discuss your lifestyle and clothing needs via a questionnaire so I can understand what is important to you.


Before we begin you will need to line up all the clothes you wish to use separated into categories (these should include pieces you like but don’t wear or those you put on and then take off!). We will review your current favourite outfits first and then start building new ones. Any gaps will be discussed and we can take photographs of all the outfits as we go.


After this session you will never have to worry about what you are going to wear ever again!

Time 3 hours
Location: Client’s home, stylist’s London studio or online

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Personal Shopping

Want to take the agony and disappointment out of clothes shopping? Then come and do a personal shop with me. I will cut through the bewildering mass of brands, confusing trends and unflattering shapes. I will select pieces you would never have considered and introduce you to new brands and shapes. The clothes I choose will be based on my extensive knowledge of the market.


Personal shopping is a three and a half hour appointment at an agreed shopping area (usually central London). I source all the clothes before our appointment based on your list and budget. I can work to any brief – be it high street, top end high street, bridge, vintage or designer.  I will visit numerous stores identifying just the right pieces for your shape, budget and lifestyle. We then shop together trying on and buying as we go.

Time 3.5 hours
Location: Central London


© 2025 by Anna Berkeley Styling

Fashion Consultant

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